">In case you're wondering...
A little about me...
Vital Statistics:
(To your right, an artistic expression of the state of my brain)
I'm Amy Welborn: born July 17, 1960 in Bloomington, Indiana. No brothers and sisters - just me. My esteemed parents gave me many gifts, including a love of learning and culture. My mother passed away recently, and my father's still living living on top of that hill in a certain Southern city that has a peculiar affinity for the color orange.
I have five children: Christopher is 22, David is 1p8, Katie, our Bad Girl extraordinaire, will be 14 in September, Joseph is four, and our baby, Michael Jacob, was born on November 19, 2004, the same day that the Indiana Pacers and the Detroit Pistons got into it. I remember because I watched it about 50 times that night on the hospital television that got about 5 channels.
We live in northern Indiana with my husband, writer and editor Michael Dubruiel.I have a BA in Honors History from the University of Tennessee and an MA in Church History from Vanderbilt Divinity School. The majority of my professional life - well, all of it, to tell the truth - has been spent working for the Church in some form or other. I taught theology in Catholic high schools in Virginia and Florida, I was a Director of Religious Education in a parish for four years, and I've been writing for the Catholic press to some degree or another for fifteen years now, the last six full-time.
Stuff I like: Books: Most of my reading involves history, classic spiritual writing, and serious (which does not mean unfunny)fiction. My history reading tends to skew towards Christian history through the Reformation. My favorite fiction writers include Richard Russo, Flannery O'Connor, Walker Percy, Graham Greene, and Evelyn Waugh. Among others. Music: My tastes run in a number of different directions: Early Music (Medieval and Renaissance), composers of the classical period, chamber music, certain 20th century composers like Prokofiev and Poulenc, and then what, for lack of a better term, we call "Alternative Country" - Lucinda Williams, Steve Earle, Lyle Lovett, Julie and Buddy Miller, and so on. If there's a common thread, it's spareness, it seems - I'm not interested in huge sounds, orchestras, or bands. Movies: I hardly go to movies. Maybe I will again either when Joseph gets old enough to take care of himself or my husbands finds a sitter he trusts. My favorite films? Hard to pick - The Third Man would certainly be on the list if I was put on a deserted island with nothing but a DVD, I guess. You can discern more of my interests from my links page. My patron saints (canonized or not) are St. Augustine of Hippo and Flannery O'Connor.
What I do all day
I write.
Sure, I do other things, like commune with my laundry and avoid unpacking all the boxes still sitting in the basement, but mostly I write, read, feel badly that I don't write as well as the author of what I just read, then try again.
I've been published in many Catholic publications, including Commonweal and Liguorian, as well as First Things and Writer's Digest, and regular columns for The Florida Catholic, Our Sunday Visitor and Catholic News Service.
I currently write regularly for the Living Faith Devotional, published quarterly by Creative Communications for the Parish.
Right now, the bulk of my energy is directed at blogging and books. I've written a series of apologetics books for Catholic teens, about which you can find information on this page. I've also written two volumes in Loyola Press' "Six Weeks With the Bible" series, two kids' book of saints from Loyola, and several other books, including De-Coding Da Vinci and Here.Now. A Catholic Guide to the Good Life.
